Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Prettia hair dye.

Okay so, today, I'm deciding to dye my hair.
I was going to do it on Friday, but I got really anxious to dye it.
So the hairdye is called Prettia - In Marshmallow Brown color.
Unlike conventional hair dyes, this one is bubbles, instead of liquid.
I guess it's going to be less messy than those liquid ones.
I wonder how it's going to turn out.

I got my dye at pacific mall.
It was about $17.

There's a link of 'How To' If you don't know how.

So this is the box of dye that I bought.
As said, marshmallow brown.

 And this is my hair color before dying it, it's black, and dark brown, with a slight tint of red.
Gross, I didn't really like that color.
Screw you Gatsby dye!

 And these are the 2 liquids that come with the box
 The straw with a little bend.
I guess it's the little bend that makes the bubbles.
Who knows?
 And a high-quality pair of rubber gloves, unlike some other hair dyes with the cheap plastic gloves.
 So, you just pour the #1 into the #2, I didn't really read the instructions, since they were all in Japanese.
But I know you have to rotate the bottle from side to side to make it well mixed, about 5 times.
 Knowing asian me, I whored out on the bottle and used a lot of it, it would have worked the same even if I used less, so you get a lot of product.

 The foam turns into a purple tint, but don't worry! It's just how it is.
 Hehe, I'm an Air Head. Get it? No? ;_;

This is how it looks about 50 minutes later.
Oh, and I wore a shower cap the whole time.
Didn't want to take a picture of my flowery shower cap. (;
By the way, it's my mom's camera, not mine.
 So my hair turned into this nice shade of honey brown
(at the back)
And it's pretty dark still.
Hopefully it'll get lighter over time!
And this is the end result with flash.